
Our training and certification is through the Justice Institute of British Columbia

Training is a critical part of being a competent and reliable team member.  Columbia Valley Search & Rescue members meet three times a month (Wednesday night) and occasionally on weekends for training to develop and maintain technical and SAR team skills. Our more advanced team members and resource members (ex. Avalanche Techs, Doctors and Paramedics, outdoor professionals) provide their knowledge and experience in many of our training sessions.  Training is scheduled based on the season and being operationally ready for the types of calls we get at different points throughout the year.

Our training and certification is through the Justice Institute of British Columbia Emergency Management Division on behalf of the BC Emergency Management Program. All members who respond to an incident have completed the Ground Search and Rescue (GSAR) course. It is an ~100 hour course designed to provide members with the basic skills necessary to safely and efficiently operate in a SAR incident and to survive outdoors for 48hrs.

Once members are GSAR certified they are encouraged to pursue further training and specialize in areas such as Search Management and Incident Command, Avalanche Response, Rope Rescue and Swiftwater Rescue.  Many members are certified in multiple disciplines.